Important information about obtaining a residential permit for plumbing work in Edmonton.
The city of Edmonton requires all homeowners and contractors to get a plumbing permit under the Safety Code when installing a new plumbing system or altering an existing one. This is valid for plumbing systems, such as sinks, shower stalls, water piping, washbasins, bathtubs, drains, auto washers, laundry tubs, backwater valves, toilets and backflow prevention devices.
When replacing fixtures and/or maintaining an existing plumbing system that stays in the same location, you don’t require a permit.
Plumbing Permit Requirements for Homeowners
The city of Edmonton allows homeowners of single-family homes to obtain plumbing permits for renovations and additions to existing plumbing systems only. New plumbing projects must be executed by licensed mechanical contractors only.
It’s also compulsory for homeowners applying for the permit to occupy said property. They must complete all the plumbing work on their own. The permit is only allowed for a single-family detached property.
To apply for the permit, you are required to fill in the following Single Family Homeowners Plumbing and Gas application.
You must obtain the permit before starting any work.
Plumbing Permit Requirements for Contractors
To obtain a plumbing permit, the contractor must be licensed with the city of Edmonton. Fill in the Contractor’s Plumbing and Gas application to request a permit. The regulations require you to book an inspection after the plumbing work has been completed by calling 311.
Contractors with an online account may apply for a permit and book an inspection online.
Edmonton Plumbing Permit Fee in 2020
As of January 1, 2020, the fee for residential plumbing is $112 per unit or address and a $4.50 safety code fee. Homeowners and contractors will find useful and updated information about the building permit and safety codes fees here.
The inspection of the equipment is necessary after the work is completed. Any equipment that has been concealed prior to the inspection may have to be opened again for this purpose.
Inspections can be requested by calling 311. You will be asked about the type of inspection, name and phone number of the permit holder, and the address of the inspection site.
The city regulations further advise that an individual above 18 years of age must be present for the inspection. Pets must be securely contained. Homeowners must also ensure unobstructed access to the inspection areas.
The city’s safety codes officers are required to wear shoes while carrying out the home inspection.
Additional Inspection Fee
Homeowners may have to bear an additional inspection fee, which will be assessed individually for every inspection in cases where:
- No one is available at the address or an incorrect address is provided
- Inspector cannot get access to the building
- The plumbing work is not ready for inspection
- Previously highlighted issue still hasn’t been rectified
Dunn Rite Plumbing & Gas is a licensed plumbing service provider that has been around for more than a decade. We offer new plumbing installation, plumbing maintenance, and emergency plumbing services for residential and commercial properties. Contact us today.